“Poor leadership is the main cause of many problems in the society.”
Introduction: mention problems caused by poor leadership.  It can be general or specific (should be first paragraphed)

a.    Nepotism is caused by poor leadership.  Peter Stockman appoints his brother Dr. Stockmann as the medical officers of the baths p. 37 – 38

b.    Leaders intimidate and manipulate the people to stop fighting for the truth e.g. the mayor intimidates subordinate member of staff p. 39, others on p. 55 – 59

c.    There is inefficiency and negligence in leadership.  Dr. Stockmann says he had advised against the pipes being laid where they were but nobody listened to him p. 19-others p. 35.

d.    Greed is also portrayed in leaders. The mayor would rather have the tourists die from disease than incur expenses to relay the conduit pipes.   P. 18, 34, 52, 103 -104.

e.    Leaders are corrupt 102 – 103, 35.

f.    The leaders are arrogant. P. 80 P2
Dr. Stockmann refers to other people as ill-bred-strain of animals.
P. 19 – mayor does not know the name of his maid.

g.    Poor leadership leads to the problem of underdevelopment and wastage to taxpayers’ money. Pipes have to be relaid- P-19, P57-58. visitors are getting diseases P. 17 – 18
h.    Poor leadership breeds violence e.g. the one meted on Dr. Stockmann by the crowd. P 87


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