“The press has failed in its responsibility.” Drawing your illustrations from An Enemy of the People write an essay in support of this statement
a)    The press is indecisive/ easy to manipulate- Hovstad, Aslaksen and Billing promise to support the doctor fully to inform the public about the rot in the baths. However, they refuse to do so later.
b)    Treacherous- They betray the doctor. They change their view towards him and fail to tell him so until late. They support his rival.
c)    Selfish- According to Hovstad, the initial intention of putting Dr stockmann’s articles on the peoples messenger is to sell more newspapers- not the ideas but out who.
They refuse to support the doctor because they will suffer financially if the baths are shut.
d)    Opportunistic- Hovstad and Aslaksen rush over to Dr. Stockmann  to cash in on what they believe to have been a plot to make money by the doctor and Morten Kiil.
e)    Dishonest- Hovstad admits to Petra that the article he wants translated may be untrue but since it  says what people want to read, it will make the newspaper sell.


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