Stylistic devices employed in an Enemy of the people--Flashback

Flashback is the interruption on the chronological order of events to present an earlier occurrence. Those earlier episodes are literary referred to as the expository material. They are events which though occurred in the past, are vitally important to the present action.
An enemy of the people as the plot has it, starts when the baths are contaminated and the characters are busy trying to deal with the implications. The story however arranged chronologically stats at a time in the past when Dr. Stockmann was exiled in the north. He conceived the idea of the baths, returned to his hometown and fought for the implementation of the project. All this information concerning earlier actions, conflicts and struggles are presented through flashbacks.

Hovstad, for instance reminds Peter Stockmann that the baths owe their existence to Dr. Stockmann. Such a flashback gives an insight to the conflict between Peter and Dr. stockmann. We are able for instance to understand Dr. Stockmann’s dedications to the baths, as well as the hatred with which Peter Stockman related to his brother.
Conflict between Dr. Stockmann andPeter Stockman is exemplified when Peter says to Dr. Stockmann: You have an ingrained tendency to take things into your own hand in this, Peter signals that their conflict had existed before, most likely fueled by Dr. Stockamann’s individualistic tendencies.
These past conflicts are further shown when Dr. Stockmann says to Peter. Ah, you remember Petra, I wrote opposing the plans before the, work begun.
Flashback prepares the audience for the actions that will follow, by enabling them to relate what happened in the past and present and thereby come up with predictions of future outcomes. Flashback also furthers literary styles such as contrast, comparison and foreshadow.


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